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Knucklebones is the grandfather to the modern-day game of Jacks, except that it was played without a ball. It originated in ancient Greece and was played with sun-bleached neck vertebrae (for example, the bones from a chicken neck). Later on, a wooden ball was added and played with sheep bones. Our game of knucklebones comes with five knucklebones made of clay measuring approximately, two wood balls, game rules, and a muslin carrying bag.


Game of Knucklebones

Only 8 left in stock
  • (Choking hazard! Not suitable for children 4yrs. old and under.)

    Our toys are 18th century reproductions and are made to be as historically accurate as possible. That being said they may not meet modern day toy safety requirements and may not be suitable for children 12 years of age and under. Purchase at your own discretion. Tanawha Trading Post and Caleb Miller are not liable for any injury or death caused by the use of this product.

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